The Initial Consultation

Initial consultations generally take 1 hour, as it is important that Phil obtains a detailed picture of the history, symptoms and impacts of the condition(s) for which you seek treatment. However, for more recent and less serious ailments, a 30 minute consultation may sometimes be sufficient.

Prior to the initial consultation, it is helpful if results from any recent or relevant medical tests that you have had, or copies of reports or letters from your other clinicians or medical specialists, are provided.

While consultations normally take place Phil’s clinic in Mt Albert, Auckland, remote consultations by Zoom or phone may be possible, depending on the circumstances. Please let us know if you would prefer this option. 

Have a read of Phil’s blog over at the Herb Blurb.



Initial Consultation $210 (60 mins)
Follow Up Consultation $95 (30 mins)
Phone or Zoom Consultation $95 (30 mins)

Initial Consultation Child $95 (30-45 mins)
Follow Up Child $60 (20-30 mins)

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